I'm looking for a trip buddy to Japan



JP flag Japan JM flag Jamaica RU flag Russia PH flag Philippines EG flag Egypt VN flag Vietnam SB flag Solomon Is. ES flag Spain NL flag Netherlands CN flag China CA flag Canada and 7 more.

I'm a business professional who loves traveling the world and meeting new people from all cultures and backgrounds. I'm fortunate to be able to travel international from various work projects but also enjoy taking international trips for purely vacation and fun.

Split costs: Yes

Budget: $2000 +

Type of journey: Backpacking, City break, Beach

Looking for: Any

Meeting before trip: In person

Languages: Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Javanese, Korean, Latin

Accommodation: Couchsurfing, Hostels

Getting around: Cruise

First visit: Yes

Work & Travel: Yes

Itinerary: Fixed


Places I want to see: Argentina · Athens · Australia · Brazil · Canada · Chile · Colombia · Costa Rica · Cuba · Greenland · Guatemala · Iceland · India · Ireland · Louisiana · Madrid · Mississippi · Morocco · New Orleans · New York · New Zealand · Northern Ireland · Peru · Portugal · Scotland · South Africa · South america · Switzerland · United Arab Emirates · United States of America · USA · Vermont · Vietnam

Things I want to do: I love outdoor activities, sports (watching), movies, fitness/exercise, playing music, trekking/backpacking/camping, cycling/mountain biking, day hikes/bushwalking, reading, creative writing, martial arts

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